Friday, October 19, 2012

Percents Taxes Discounts Jeopardy Game

The Jeopardy game included is called 'Jeopardy Maker 1.0'
 and was created by pftq  Apr. 2008 - questions, comments, feature requests welcome.

This Jeopardy Game includes questions on:
  • Rounding to 2 decimal places
  • Calculating Percent
  • Calculating HST (13%)
  • Calculating discounts (eg. 25% off of an item)
  • Calculating Final Prices (discounts plus tax)

Download file and unzip to a folder.  Always keep all of the files included in the same folder.
Click the file titled Jeopardy (note: flash required)
All column titles, questions, and answers are editable.  Read the "read me" file for instructions.

1 comment:

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